Places Visit In Haridwar

Har Ki Pauri,Haridwar

Things to do -  general

Jai Ganga Maa Har Ki Pauri is a famous ghat on the banks of the Ganges in Haridwar in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. This revered place is the major landmark of the holy city of Haridwar.


Jai Ganga Maa Har Ki Pauri is a famous ghat on the banks of the Ganges in Haridwar in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. This revered place is the major landmark of the holy city of Haridwar. Literally, "Har" means "Lord Shiva" who is the god according to shaivite Rishav Bhagwan school of Hindu theology, "Ki" means "of" and "Pauri" means "steps". Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are believed to have visited the Brahmakund in Har Ki Pauri in the Vedic times. There is a large footprint said to belong to Lord Vishnu on a stone wall.

It is believed that it is precise spot where the Ganges leaves the mountains and enters the plains. The ghat is on the west bank of Ganges canal through which the Ganges is diverted just to the north. Har Ki Pauri is also the area where thousands of pilgrims converge and the festivities commence during the Kumbha Mela, which takes place every twelve years, and the Ardh Kumbh Mela, which takes place every six years and the Punjabi festival of Vaisakhi, a harvest festival occurring every year in the month of April .

Har Ki Pauri is a famous ghat on the banks of the Ganges in Haridwar in Uttarakhand state in India. This revered place is the major landmark of the holy city of Haridwar. Literally, "Har" means "Lord Shiva" who is the god according to shaivite school of Hindu theology, "ki" means "of" and "pauri" means "steps". Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are believed to have visited the Brahmakund in Har ki Paudi in the Vedic (ancient period) times. There is a large footprint said to belong to Lord Vishnu on a stone wall.

Har Ki Pauri is believed to be the exit point of the Ganges from the mountains and entry into the plains. An area within Hari ki Pauri, where the evening Ganga Aarti takes places and which is considered most sacred is known as Brahm Kund, The spot where the nectar (Amrita) fell is today considered to be Brahma Kund at Har-Ki-Pauri (literally means footsteps of the Lord) which is the most sacred ghat in the Haridwar. Thousands of devotees and pilgrims flock here from all over the world to take a holy dip; it is believed that a dip here will wash away their sins or Karma and provide Moksha. The ghat is on the west bank of Ganges canal through which the Ganges is diverted just to the north. Har ki pauri is also the area where thousands of pilgrims converge and the festivities commence during the Kumbha Mela, which takes place every twelve years, and the Ardh Kumbh Mela, which takes place every six years and the Punjabi festival of Vaisakhi, a harvest festival occurring every year in the month of April.

King Vikramaditya constructed this sacred ghat in memory of his brother Bhatrihari who it is believed had come to Haridwar to meditate on the banks of the Ganga. This ghat later came to be known as Har-Ki-Pauri (also called Brahamakund). At twilight, golden hues of floral diyas reflected in the river Ganga present the most enchanting sight. The imprint of Lord Hari's footprint hallows the riverbank temple here. The ghat is regarded the most sacred and auspicious point to bathe in the Ganga during the Kumbh held after 12 years and Ardh Kumbh after 6 years.


King Vikramaditya is said to have built it in 1st century BC in the memory of his brother, Bharthari who had come to meditate here on the bank of the Ganges. An area within Har Ki Pauri, where the evening Ganga Aarti takes places and which is considered most sacred is known as Brahmakund.It is considered to be the spot where the drops of Amrit fell over from the sky, while being carried in a pitcher by the celestial bird, Garuda after the Samudra Manthan.

Every day, Har Ki Pauri ghat witnesses hundreds taking a dip in water of the Ganges. The place is considered very auspicious. Over the years the ghats have undergone major extension and renovation as the crowds increased in subsequent Kumbh Melas. Several temples have come up on the steps, most built in late 19th century. The extension of the ghats took place in 1938 (done by Hargyan Singh Katara, a Zamindar from Agra in Uttar Pradesh), and then again in 1986.

wHar Ki Pauri ghat was created by King Vikramaditya in 1st century BC in the memory of his brother Bhatrihari who during his lifetime used to meditate on the banks of river Ganga. Millions of pilgrims throng this ghat to take a dip in the sacred river. Har ki pauri is also the area where thousands of pilgrims assemble to begin the festivities during the Kumbha Mela.

The Ganga Aarti (prayer) that takes place at Har Ki Pauri every evening after sunset is popular amongst pilgrims and tourists all over the world. The priests perform the Ganga Aarti at the ghat amidst thousands of devotees. People gather on both sides of the banks of the river to sing its praises. The priest stand on the ghat holding large fire bowls and the gongs in the temples start ringing. The air is filled with the fragrance of incense, sounds of various gongs/bells and the chants sung together by the priests and a large number of people present there.

Devotees float earthen diyas with flowers in the holy river while chanting prayers. Witnessing the golden orange shades of floral diyas reflected in the Ganga River at night is a breathtaking spectacle. Spend an evening at Har Ki Pauri and be a part of an experience that will be etched in your mind and soul for a lifetime.

Places to Visit in Har Ki Pauri

Har Ki Pauri is believed to be the exit point of the Ganges from the mountains and entry into the plains. Also known as Brahm Kund, where you can bath in the Ganges. Har Ki Pauri has a good market also you can enjoy by walk whole market. An evening ritual (Aarti) performed by the priests on the banks of river Ganga is a highly enchanting and divine experience. Lamps are seen floating on the river, immersed after the ritual. A splendid aura of lights and chants fills the atmosphere in the evenings.

Things to do in Har Ki Pauri

Devotees can enjoy a holy dip in the Har ki Pauri Brahamakund. Evening ritual (Ganga Aarti) performed by the priests on the banks of river Ganga and enjoys some market near by the Har ki Pauri.

Places to Visit near Har Ki Pauri

There is a temple called Mansa Devi Temple just 2 Km from Har Ki Pauri. You can hair a Rickshaw or go by walk to the gate of the temple. Then you can go by walk or by cable car. Also visit a large Lord Shiva Statue on the opposite side of Har ki Pauri.

Bharat Mata Temple,Haridwar

Things to do -

Bharat Mata Mandir is a multi-storied temple, located in Sapt Sarovar in Haridwar. Dedicated to freedom fighters and patriots, this temple is not a religious one, but one that is devoted to "Bharat Mata", herself, which depicts the unity in diversity in India, and the oneness of the country.


Bharat Mata Mandir, which is also known as Mother India Temple, is one of the most visited temples located in Haridwar. The temple is dedicated to Bharat Mata by her devoted patriotic nationals. This religious shrine was founded by Swami Satyamitranand Giri. In 1983, this temple was inaugurated by Late Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi. As the conception of Bharat Mata predates the Partition of India, she is intended to represent "Aryavarta", the motherland of Hinduism in Hindu Nationalism, not merely restricted to the secular Republic of India, and Bharat Mata remains a symbol of the "vision of a unified motherland" in Hindu nationalist thought. Bharat Mata temples exist in the Mahatma Gandhi Kashi University, inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1936 and another in Haridwar built in 1983 by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).

Abanindranath Tagore portrayed Bharat Mata as a four-armed Hindu goddess wearing saffron-colored robes, holding a book, sheaves of rice, a mala, and a white cloth. The image of Bharatmata was an icon to create nationalist feeling in Indians during the freedom struggle. Sister Nivedita, an admirer of the painting, opined that the picture was refined and imaginative, with Bharatmata standing on green earth and blue sky behind her feet with four lotuses, four arms meaning divine power white halo and sincere eyes and gifts Shiksha-Diksha-Anna-Bastra of motherland to her children. The motto Bharat Mata Ki Jai ("Victory for Mother India") is used by the Indian Army and various Indian Hindu organizations. Bharat Mata Temple is a unique, has an attractive and huge map of the Mother India on the ground denoting the statue of mother of India. The statue has inimitable design which indicates the Goddess of India for all the religious deities, freedom fighters and leaders. The temple is a kind of admiration to all those who take part in the formation of India as it was built before the partition of the India. It is situated adjacent to the ashram, and stands eight stories tall to the height of 180 feet. Each floor is devoted to a particular theme.

Bharat Mata Mandir Detail

First Floor : First floor is dedicated to Bharat Mata (Mother India) it has the statue of Bharat Mata.
Second Floor : The second floor 'Shoor Mandir' is dedicated to the well renowned heroes of India.
Third Floor :The third floor 'Matru Mandir' is dedicated to the achievements of India's revered women such as Meera Bai, Savitri, Maitri etc.
Fourth Floor : The fourth floor the great saints from various religions, including Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism are featured on 'Sant Mandir'. It is the Sant Mandir and features great saints of the Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism faith.
Fifth Floor : The Assembly Hall with walls depicting symbolic coexistence of all religions practiced in India and paintings portraying history and beauty in various provinces of India are situated on the fifth floor.
Sixth Floor : The various forms of the Goddess of Shakti can be seen on the sixth floor, it is dedicated to Goddess Shakti of the Hindu religion.
Seventh Floor : The seventh floor is devoted to all incarnations of Lord Vishnu the preserver form of the holy Hindu Trinity.
Eighth Floor : The uppermost floor features the shrine of Lord Shiva, the supreme god in Hindu tradition.


Bharat Mata Mandir, which is also known as Mother India Temple, is one of the most visited temples located in Haridwar. The temple is dedicated to Bharat Mata by her devoted patriotic nationals. This religious shrine was founded by Swami Satyamitranand Giri. In 1983, this temple was inaugurated by Late Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi.

Located at Sapt Sarovar, the temple is visited by large number of devotees every year. With a height of 180 ft, the temple stands tall with eight stories. Different legends, mythologies and deities are represented by each floor of this shrine. In addition, the Bharat Mata Mandir is also dedicated to all the patriotic freedom fighters, who contributed to the freedom of the country.

Things to do in Bharat mata Mandir

You can enjoy the eight floors of temples. Bharat Mata Temple is one of its own kinds. It is an impressive multi-storied building and each of the floors has been dedicated to different Gods. Here the mother India is the prime deity and is depicted with the national flag in her hand and a tri-colored sari adorning the idol. It represents the Unity in Diversity in India and oneness of India. This Mandir is dedicated to Bharat Mata, its unity, integrity, values and rich heritage, without any barriers of caste, creed, race, language, area or states and to spread nationality inspired and inculcated by the freedom fighters and martyrs of our beloved country.

Places to Visit near Bharat Mata Mandir

You can enjoy the eight floors of temples. Bharat Mata Temple is one of its own kinds. It is an impressive multi-storied building and each of the floors has been dedicated to different Gods. Here the mother India is the prime deity and is depicted with the national flag in her hand and a tri-colored sari adorning the idol. It represents the Unity in Diversity in India and oneness of India. There are a lot of temples nearby of Bharat Mata Temple like Vaishno Devi Temple, Ram Mandir (Temple) and Bhuma Niketan, Santikunj Ashram, Sapt Rishi ashram, Vyas Mandir. You can enjoy seeing these temples after the Bahrat Mata Temple.

Bara Bazaar,Haridwar

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Haridwar has numerous shops along its streets selling all essentials that a pilgrim would need. Bada Bazar in Haridwar is great place to shop for wooden items and handicrafts.


In the market at Bara Bazar in Haridwar, you can choose to buy both religious as well as decorative items. Standing on the Railway Road, the market attracts pilgrims and tourists from far and wide. Rudraksha seeds (be ware of the fake ones), churan (digestive powders) and a wide range of sweets made from milk are sold at the shops in Bara Bazar. Ayurvedic medicines make for a popular buy in the market.

Bara Bazaar is quite famous for the religious as well as ornamental items. Although the place is a Street market with some shops nearby, the rates are a little higher than the other markets. Especially when the tourists try to buy things here, things are sold pretty costly. But there are special offers running throughout the year so visitors can be pleased by different types of occasional offers. Among the most famous item here is the Ayurvedic medicines. What makes these medicines different is that these are all made from original seeds found here. You will definitely not find these medicines elsewhere and these are quite effective too. People visit Bara Bazaar especially to get these medicines which are a perfect cure for pains and aches.

The bustling Bara Bazaar market of is a shopper’s stop for the local as well as foreign tourists. This lively market is famous for selling religious paraphernalia, decorative as well as ornamental items. Meander through the gullies (lanes) and you’ll see different goods on display. There are a plethora of options to choose from while shopping at Bara Bazaar, if you are a religious one then you can buy genuine Rudraksha seeds, the health conscious can buy churan or digestive powders, for those having a sweet tooth can relish mouth-watering milk sweets from here.

Peda' a type of sweet made from milk is quite popular among the locals and has made a special place in the heart of foreign tourists. There is also a huge demand for Ayurvedic medicines that are sold in the market. Medicines for all types of pain and aches are also available at the market.


Haridwar also offers wonderful shopping opportunities for travellers. Though most of the shopping items that you find here are associated with religion and spirituality, the pilgrimage centre also has in store a wonderful range of art and craft items. Before, you say good bye to the holy town, you can stuff your bags with well crafted souvenirs to carry back home. Besides pooja items and idols, you will have the opportunity to buy items like beaded accessories, wood carvings, stone carvings and a variety of jewellery items. But, where do you need to go for this shopping spree in Haridwar? Let's have a look.

However shops in Haridwar have many interesting things to offer to the tourist. The main shopping centers are Moti bazaar, Upper Road, Jwalapur and Kankhal. You can also check out the Government Handloom and Handicrafts Emporiums and the Gandhi Ashram. Here you will find a range of handicraft decorative pieces. If you are interested in jewellery, then you can choose from a variety of imitation ones which make good fashion accessory.

Daksha Mahadev Temple,Haridwar

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Daksheswara Mahadev or Daksha Mahadev temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, located in the town of Kankhal, about 4 km from Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. It is named after King Daksha Prajapati, the father of Sati.


Daksheswara Mahadev or Daksha Mahadev temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, located in the town of Kankhal, about 4 km from Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. It is named after King Daksha Prajapati, the father of Sati. Daksha is one of the fourteen Prajapatis, creator deities, who preside over procreation and are the protector of life in Hindu mythology.The present temple was built by Queen Dhankaur in 1810 and rebuilt in 1962. It is a place of pilgrimage for Shaivaite devotees on Maha Shivaratri.

Haridwar, the world famous centres of pilgrimage and gate-way to the devbhoomi (the land of the gods)—Uttarakhand, is a city of temples. There are innumerable places here which bear the footprints of one god or the other and which have been hallowed by their lilas (divine activities) and later on their temples were built to consecrate their memories. The most famous temple of the holy city, which is one of its identity markers, is the Daksheshwar Mahadev Temple Kankhal, about 6 kms from Har-Ki-Pauri, at the southern periphery of the city. Praveen jha, a prominent priest and scholar of the Hindu scriptures, says that this spot is the source of all the 52 shakti peeths in the world.

Haridwar is one of the most ancient cities in the world. Its original name was Mayapuri and it is mentioned in all our ancient Vedas and Puranas. The small town of Kankhal is very close to Haridwar and it has a beautiful temple to Shiva which is known as the Daksha Prajapati Mandir or Daksha Mahadev Temple.

Daksha Mahadev temple is one of the most ancient temples of Lord Shiva, situated in Kankhal. The temple is approximately 4 km away from the main township of Haridwar. Mythologies relate this temple to Daksha Yagya. According to the legends, Goddess Sati's father Daksha Prajapati performed a yagna, a holy ritual, at this place, but did not invite Lord Shiva, his son-in-law. Sati felt insulted by his father's behavior and sacrificed her life in the fire of the yagna.

It is said that it was on the site of the yagna, and Sati's sacrifice, that Daksha Mahadev temple was later built. There is a pit within the grounds of the temple which marks the exact location of the sacrificial fire. One of the five most Holy places in Haridwar, the temple stands as a tribute to the sacrifice of Sati Mata. Also known as Shri Daksheshwar Temple, it was initially built by Queen Dhankaur, in 1810 AD. It was, however, reconstructed in 1962.


The genesis of the temple lies in the mythological story narrated in the Shiv Purana. As answer to the prayer of Brahma, one of the trinity of the Hindu gods, Jagdamba or Bhagwati (the supreme shakti) took birth as Sati. She was born in the form of the daughter of his son, Daksh Prajapati who had his kingdom at Kankhal. As per leg-ends, Sati performed hard and long tapasya (worship) to please Lord Shiva to wed her. At last, the Lord consented to marry her. However, later on strains developed in the relationship of King Daksh and his son-in-low. Shiv Purana narrates how once King Daksh organized a big yajna at Kankhal and invited all the gods, rishis and munis to the ritual, but ignored his son-in-law. When Sati came to know of the function, she prevailed on Lord Shiva to allow her to go there. During the function, her father uttered insulting words for Lord Shiva. At this, Sati was so infuriated that she consigned herself to the flames of the yajna. As the tragic news reached Lord Shiva, he sent Veerbhadra, one of his bravest worriors to Kanakhal. Verbhadra chopped off the head of King Daksh and annihilated it in the fire of the yajna. On the request of all the gods, including Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva appeared there as the self-created lin-ga. The benevolent Lord Shiva, in order to complete the yajna that had been disrupted, restored King Daksh to life by putting the head of a male goat on the shoulders of his corpse. King Daksh repented his misdeeds. Then Lord Shiva declared that every year. during the month of Sayan, the month that is dearest to the Lord, Kankhal would be His abode. After this, the grief-stricken Lord Shiva wandered across the universe, carrying the dead body of his consort.

The myths say that Lord Vishnu, with his sudarshan chakra, chopped off the parts of Sati's dead body in order to separate it from Lord Shiva and free him from his deep mourning. The places where the severed parts body dropped on the earth later on became shakti peeths and came to be revered. Temples came up at the place at Kankhal where this epochal event unfolded itself. Later on in 1810, the king of Landhora state, who had legal rights on the land, constructed a big temple here. This temple was renovated in 1963 by the Mahanirvan Akharas Kankhal, which now looks after the management of the temple. Mahant Ravindra Puri, the secretary of the akhara told HP that the temple symbolized the rich ancient cultural heritage of the country which needs to be preserved. The main Daksheshwar Temple, along with some other temples in the precinct, such as Hanuman Temple Dasham Vidya Temple, stands on the serene bank of atributary of the Ganga at the foothills of the Shivalik Ranges.

One part of the Temple consists of the Yajna Kund , while in the other part, a Shiv Linga has been installed, which is wor-shipped by devotees by the offering of water. The entire story of the yajna of King Daksh and the following episodes have been vividly depicted on the walls of the temple. A very old banyan tree, which is said to be thousands of years old and is considered sacred, is also the cynosere of all the eyes in the precincts of the temple.

The temple lures lakhs of devotees from the country and abroad, round the year. However, there is a heavy rush of Lord Shiva devotees in the month of Sayan. On Shivratri, a large number of devotees congregate here to pay obeisance to the Lord and seek His blessings and benediction. "If a devotee pays oblation to Lord Shiva here with a sincere heart, he is blessed by the Lord and all his wishes are ful-filled," says Pradeep a noted priest and astrologer of Kankhal.

Places to Visit in Daksha Mahadev Temple

Just opposite to the yajnashala of temple there is an age old tree. Actually it's a combination of three different trees whose roots are intermingled in such a way that it is next to impossible to visualize them as a separate entity. Standing next to the main temple is the Das Mahavidya temple, dedicated to the Mahavidyas.

Things to do in Daksha Mahadev Temple

Devotees can see the holy Shiva idol installed in phallic form. This temple throngs with tourists in the month of August, which is also known as the holy month of Sawan. This month is also known as the month of Lord Shiva, according to the Hindu calendar. Special rituals are also performed here on the Shivratri, the marriage day of Shiva and Shakti.

Places to Visit near Daksha Mahadev Temple

There is an ashram called Shree Ma Anandamayi Ashram front of the temple and a parad shivling temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Shivling is made by mercury. The shivling is enshrined inside the Hari har Ashram, which is based in Kankhal. Sri yatra Temple, Maa Anandmay Ashram, Weighing around 150 kg, the shivling is visited by large number of devotees every year. Apart from this, the Rudraksha tree is the main attraction of this ashram.

Mansa Devi Temple,Haridwar

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Mansa Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to goddess Mansa Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India.


Mansa Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to goddess Mansa Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is located atop the Bilwa Parvat on the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. The temple also known as Bilwa Tirth is one of the Panch Tirth within Haridwar.

The temple is known for being the holy abode of Manasa, a form of Shakti and is said to have emerged from the mind of the lord Shiva. Mansa is regarded as the sister of the Nāga (serpent) Vasuki. The term Mansa means wish and it is believed that the goddess fulfils all the wishes of a sincere devotee. Devotees who want their wishes to be fulfilled by Mansa tie threads to the branches of a tree located in the temple. Once their wishes are fulfilled, people come back again to the temple to untie the thread from the tree. Mansa is also offered coconuts, fruits, garlands and incense sticks in order to appease her.

Mansa Devi Temple is a Siddh Peetha which are the places of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Chandi Devi Temple and Maya Devi Temple.The inner shrine has two deities installed, one with eight arms and the other one three headed with five arms.

The temple is known for being the holy abode of Manasa, a form of Shakti and is said to have emerged from the mind of the sage (Rishi) Kashyapa. Mansa is regarded as the sister of the Naga (Viper) Vasuki. The term Mansa means wish and it is believed that the goddess fulfils all the wishes of a sincere devotee. Devotees who want their wishes to be fulfilled by Mansa tie threads to the branches of a tree located in the temple. Once their wishes are fulfilled, people come back again to the temple to untie the thread from the tree. Mansa is also offered coconuts, fruits, garlands and incense sticks in order to appease her.

Apart from being a holy shrine, the temple is also a famous tourist destination. This is because of the cable cars, which are popularly known as 'Devi Udankhatola'. The cable car carries tourists from the lower station up to the temple. The ropeway, which is used by the cable cars, is located at a height of 178 m from the ground.


Maharaja Gopal Singh of Mani Majra constructed the present main temple of Shri Mansa Devi, which is situated on the Shivalik foothills in village Bilaspur, Tehsil and District Panchkula, during the period 1811–1815. At a distance of 200 meters from the main temple is the Patiala temple which was constructed by Karam Singh, a Sikh, the then Maharaja Patiala in the year 1840. This temple had the patronage of Manimajra Princely State.

After the merger of Princely states into PEPSU the Patronage of State Govt. ended and the temples remained neglected. The Raja of Manimajra then appointed pujari as ‘khidmatuzar’ to serve this temple whose duty was to worship the deity of the temple.

After the merger of princely State into PEPSU these pujaris became independent in the matter of controlling and managing the affairs of the temple and the land attached to the temple. They could neither maintain this temple nor provide necessary facilities to the visiting devotees and thus the condition of the temple deteriorated day by day. So much so that there were no proper arrangements for pilgrims visiting the temple during Navaratra melas.

As a result, the Government of Haryana took over the temple and set up the Shri Mata Mansa Devi Shrine Board (SMMDSB) Panchkula trust to manage the temple. The complex was in awfully neglected condition till the establishment of the Board.

Things to do in Mansa Devi Temple

Devotees who visit the temple usually like to take some Parasad (offerings) for the Goddess. There's no shortage of sellers, either where you board the cable car or outside the temple. Bags containing a coconut and flowers sell for around 50 rupees, and it's possible to buy plates of flowers for around 20 rupees. The entry to the temple is also lined with vendors peddling everything from jewelry to music. Navaratri festival is celebrated here. People came here for full fill their requirement.

Places to Visit near Mansa Devi TempleThere's another temple, Chandi Devi Temple that can also be visited by cable car or bus from Mansa Devi Temple. It's possible to buy combination tickets for both. You can also visit Har ki Pauri by walk or by Rickshaw.

Chandi Devi Temple,Haridwar

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Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India.


Chandi Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Chandi Devi in the holy city of Haridwar in the Uttarakhand state of India. The temple is situated atop the Neel Parvat on the Eastern summit of the Sivalik Hills, the southernmost mountain chain of the Himalayas. Chandi Devi Temple was built in 1929 by Suchat Singh in his reign as the King of Kashmir. However, the main murti of Chandi Devi at the temple is said to have been installed in the 8th century by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest priests of Hindu religion.The temple also known as Neel Parvat Teerth is one of the Panch Tirth located within Haridwar.

Chandi Devi Temple is highly revered by devotees as a Siddh Peetha which is a place of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Mansa Devi Temple and Maya Devi Temple.

Almost every temple in India has some legends associated with it. According to Hindu mythology, the kingdom over which Lord Indra reigned was taken over by two demon kings named SHUMBH AND NISHUMBH. These demons had begun to throw away gods from heaven. It was therefore time to create a powerful goddess. Finally, from the cells of goddess Parvati was created a goddess - CHANDIKA DEVI. Since the goddess was very beautiful, demon king Shumbh wished to marry her but was refused. This denial led to an enraged combat. The goddess first killed Chand Munda, the demon's army chief and then were slain the demon kings Shumbh and Nishumbh. Since the battle took place on the Neel Parvat, the temple is a tribute to the whole incident.

Chandi Devi temple is dedicated to Goddess Chandi. The temple is also known as Chandika Devi temple. Chandi Devi temple is situated in Dev Bhoomi Haridwar in Uttrakhand state, India. The temple is located at a distance of four km from “Har Ki Pauri.” The temple is located atop of the Nile mountain on the eastern mountains of southern range of Himalaya mountains. The idol of Goddess Chandi was established in this temple by Saint Shankaracharya in the eighth century. The temple is among 53 shakteepetha and also among five holy places of haridwar. The temple was rebuilt by King Suchat Singh of Kashmir in 1929 AD. The devotees can reach this place via trekking which is 3 km long and also via cable car ropeway.


Chandi Devi Temple, located on the top of Neel Parvat, is one of the most famous temples of India. This place is of great religious importance and is also considered as one of the Shakti peethas of North India. This temple is also known as Siddh peetha, as it is believed to have powers to fulfil the wishes of devotees. According to legend, it is believed that Goddess Chandika Devi rested for a short while on Neel Parvat. This happened after she killed demon kings, Shumbh and Nishumbha. This temple was constructed to welcome her back.

Chandi Devi Temple was constructed in 1929 by Suchat Singh, who was the reigning king of Kashmir. However, it was believed that the idol present in the temple was installed in 8th century, by Adi Shankaracharya. Tourists travelling to this temple can hire an auto-rickshaw, cycle rickshaw, tongas or taxis, from any part of Haridwar. In addition, travellers can also opt for trekking-route, which is around 3 km from Chandighat. Another mode of transportation available for reaching the temple is through the cable car. It takes duration of around 20 to 25 minutes so as to reach the holy shrine.

Ganga Aarti,Haridwar

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Ganga Aarti Haridwar is performed at Har Ki Pauri Ghat in Haridwar. Ganga Aarti in Haridwar is one of the most famous in Haridwar. Visit to Haridwar is not complete if you have not seen its Ganga Aarti.


Ganga Aarti means prayer for River Ganga. Prayers are dedicated to gods and godesses. River Ganga is not just a river in India, It is Divine Mother. River Ganga gives life in the form of water. The same water also removes sins when you take a dip in its holy water. River Ganga also gives liberation to souls. Its not just a river but whole culture itself. Historically millions of people are living on the bank of the river ganga. For agriculture her water is still precious for India. River Ganga is considered godess which was originally living in heaven. Saint Bhagirath made a long meditation to give liberation to his ancestors (reduced to ashes due to curse of sage Kapil). He was blessed with Ganga by gods.

Lord Shiva held her to reduce her mighty flow. When Ganga flow on the remainings of acncestors of Bhagirath they got Moksha (Liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth). Following the same tradition still Hindu people offer remainings of their dead relatives (after bunring the body) to the river Ganga and expect the moksha for them. In the name of the saint Bhagirath river ganga is known as Bhagirathi at the source and gets name Ganga when it is meeting Alaknanda River at Devprayag. Since hundreds of years people are considering river ganga as holy river and it became part of thier life where they come to get moksha for their relatives which passed away and to remove thier sins. The Ganga Aarti is kind of thanks giving to River Ganga.

Ganga Aarti is organized at Har Ki Pauri Ghat. Average 3000 to 30000 or even more people come to experience evening ganga aarti. The crowd will depand on season (May June is highest season while july and august is low season) as well as weekend - non weekend and also the festivals. On Long weekends and all big indian festivals more people will join the Ganga Aarti. Har Ki Pauri is most famous ghat to take holy dip in the ganga. Har Ki Pauri is located on the main highway. From Haridwar Railway Station and bus station it is 2 - 3 kms far. Nearest airport is Dehradun 35 kms. The ghat is religiosly very important as according to the ancient hindu religious books Lord Vishnu appeared here to bless Bhratuhari. That is why it is known as Har Ki Pauri (means footprints of god). During every festival days, no moon days, fool moon days and weekends you can see more crowd. Everyday at least 5000 to 10000 people come here to take bath.

On weekend the number can reach even more. On some of the big festivals such as baisakhi, makar sakranti, somvati amavasya, shivratri number of people in one day can easily reach at 1,00,000 to 3,00,000 or even more. It is also the same place where drop of nector fell down during the battle between devas and asuras for nector. Due to this it is considered one of the holiest place to take bath in the holy river ganga. Obiously where holy river and holy place comes together it will attract large amount of people. Specially during the Kumbh Mela when the time is also auspicous it attacts millions of people to take bath in ganga during kumbh festival which comes after every 12 years in Haridwar. There are some other ocassions where you can see large gathering here such as Ardh Kumbh Mela after every 6 years (During Jan to May), Kanwar Mela (7 days normally comes in July August).


It is very difficult to say when the tradition of Ganga Aarti started. However the Ganga Aarti at Har Ki Pauri was started by Pundit Madan Mohan Malviya in 1910s. Recently he was awarded as "Bharat Ratna" highest civilion award by Indian Govt. The small island infront of Har Ki Pauri Ghat is named after him.

Thousands of devotees live around the banks year-round. Historically, it is said that Saint Bhagirath had partaken in a long meditation that liberated the souls of his ancestors from the cycle of death and rebirth. The Gods blessed him with the Ganga. When the river flowed across the ashes of his ancestors, they were liberated and they achieved moksha. This is the tradition that is followed by the devotees that come to visit the Ganga today, in hopes of liberating their ancestors and recently deceased relatives by pouring the ashes into the river.

Ganga Aarti Timings

Ganga Aarti is organized two times in a day, morning (at sunrise) and evening (sunset). Starting time will depand on sunrise and sunset timing at Haridwar. Morning Ganga Aarti is not as famous as evening one. Approx timings of Ganga Aarti you can see in below table. Minor diffreance of +15 mins or -15 mins can happen. You should reach at least 45 mins before the aarti time for morning Ganga Aarti and 75 mins before the evening Ganga Aarti Ganga

Who performs the Ganga Aarti

Ganga Aarti is done by the pundits (priests) selected by Ganga Sabha. Ganga Sabha is NGO which is managing Ganga Aarti since it is started. Ganga Sabha is also manages the ghat along with help of govt.

What happens during Ganga Aarti

Initially people start coming early to get good spot. Later they carried out the idol of River Ganga from the small temple located close to the ghat. Idol is normally carried out in "palkhi" by pundits and other people which they put on the platform of ghat near river ganga. Some people also go to the idol of Ganga and take blessing. A few minutes later pundits come and starts the ceremony. Initially they are chanting sanskrit mantras along with offering such as cotton, colors, milk, honey, suger, curd, ghee and some other things. These are symbolik offerings so there is not large qauntity but just small amount. The chantings are done by pundits live which you can hear on loud speakers. After the offering are completed they starts singing Ganga Lahari - A Sankrit Poem written by Pundit Jagannath.

After the Ganga Lahari the pundits takes promise from everyone to not to pollute the river ganga which people promise by raising both hands. Some time they also chant the name of ganga "Har Har Gange, Jai Ma Gange" for a while. There is little break in before the main Ganga Aarti starts. The workers of Ganga Sabha asks for the donations if people want to donate somethings. This donation is not compulsory and one can donate whatever they like. Donations will be used for the expanses of Ganga Aarti and some other religious and social welfare. Soon after this the pundits lights the Aartis and you can here the Ganga Aarti song on loudspeaker with the background music of bells.

Chilla Wildlife Sanctuary,Haridwar

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Chilla Wildlife Sanctuary sprawling over an area of 249 square km is nestled on the east banks of river Ganga. The sanctuary was established in 1977 and was combined with the sanctuary of Motichur and Rajaji in the year 1983 to create Rajaji National Park. One can have a magnificent view of the mighty Ganges as well as the Himalayas to the north.


Chilla is located at a favourable distance of 10 km from and showcases varied wildlife such as elephants, tigers, bears, small cats and playful birds. The visitors can easily spot deers, wild boar, sambhar, the gray langur, red rhesus macaque, the barking deer, peacock, quails, hornbills, hawks, falcons, and vultures in this sanctuary.

Chilla Wildlife Sanctuary is another major attraction in Rishikesh that is located on the banks of River Ganga. This wildlife sanctuary is spread across an area of 249 sq km. Tourists at this place get a wonderful chance to spot various endangered species of the place like elephants, tigers, bears and small cats. Apart from spotting numbers of endangered species tourist also love to explore the rich charms of the place. The ambiance of this wildlife sanctuary is quite lovely and makes tourists feel relaxed. This beautiful place is approximately 20km away from Rishikesh so don’t miss the chance to enjoy and explore the rich beauty of this sanctuary with your close ones.

Things To Do In Chilla

The travellers can enjoy the adventurous jeep safaris which is 2 and ½ hour circuit exhibiting the wilderness and the beautiful landscape. The jeep safari passes through the Mundal, Mithwali, and Khara. One can also enjoy the thrilling elephant rides which are only possible in the morning and evening.


Chilla Wildlife Sanctuary, located on the east bank of the River Ganges, sprawls over an area of 249 sq. km. Established in 1977, this sanctuary was however combined with the sanctuaries of Motichur and Rajaji in 1983 so as to create Rajaji National Park.

Situated at a distance of 10 km from Haridwar, the wildlife residing in this sanctuary includes elephants, tigers, bears and small cats. In addition, the entire area of this sanctuary is mostly inhabited with elephants, besides a variety of interesting birds. The best time to visit this sanctuary is between November and June. For tourists, wildlife safaris along with elephant rides are also available.

Vaishno Devi Temple,Haridwar

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The Temple is dedicated to Mata Vaishno Devi, and is modeled after the famous Vaishno Devi Temple in Jammu & Kashmir. This temple is relatively new but it has been attracting large number of tourists. This temple is becoming a major tourist attraction in Haridwar.


The main deities in the temple are Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Kali and Goddess Saraswati. It is believed that all three Goddesses together became Vaishno Devi in order to kill the demon Mahishasura. It is believed that the Goddess blesses only those who truly intend to seek her blessings from the bottom of their hearts. Apart from Kumbh Mela, the temple celebrates many festivals like Basant Panchami, Makar Sankaranti, Ganga Dussera, etc. with great devotion.

Vaishno Devi Temple in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India is a confluence of many sorts of tourist attractions. It has fascinating mythological significance, ancient rocks and caves leading up to it, a promise for wish fulfilment and stellar beauty to top it all off. It is widely believed that the temple is in memory of Trikuta, a Vaishnavi, who was a devotee of the Lord Rama. She prayed and prayed, until Lord Rama vowed to wed her in his last earthly incarnation. There are other religious stories as well, like the one which says parts of Goddess Shakti fell here, making it a Shakti peetha, or pilgrimage site. It attracts pilgrims from all corners of India, around 8 million per year alone.


Vaishno Devi Temple, not known by many, is a replica of the temple, which is located in Jammu. This temple has been recently constructed and hence, does not fall into the league of ancient temples.

Similar to Vaishno Devi Temple located in Jammu, the path which leads to worship the Goddess is full of tunnels and caves. In addition, it is believed that the deity blesses only those worshippers who truly intend to seek the blessings of goddess.

Visitor Information

Famous for:Religion, natural beauty, photography.
Entrance fee: No fee charged.
Visiting time: 5:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM every day of the week.
Visit duration: Around 3 hours.

Maya Devi Temple,Haridwar

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Maya Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to goddess Maya in the holy city of Haridwar of Uttarakhand state in India.


Maya Devi Temple is an ancient religious establishment of Haridwar which is counted as one of the shakti peeths present in India. The temple of Maya Devi falls is enshrined with the deity of Adhisthatri. The history of religion in Haridwar speaks of a rather interesting part of the Maya Devi Temple. Maya Devi Temple, Haridwar is a Hindu Temple dedicated to goddess Maya in the holy city of Haridwar of Uttarakhand State in India. It is believed that the heart and navel of goddess Sati fell in the region where the temple stands today and thus it is sometimes referred to as a Shakti Peetha. Goddess Maya is the Adhisthatri deity of Haridwar. She is a three-headed and four-armed deity who is believed to be an incarnation of Shakti. Haridwar was previously known as Mayapuri in reverence to this deity. The temple is a Siddh Peetha which is the places of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Chandi Devi Temple and Mansa Devi Temple.

Goddess Maya is the Adhisthatri deity of Haridwar. She is a three-headed and four-armed deity who is believed to be an incarnation of Shakti. Haridwar was previously known as Mayapuri in reverence to this deity. The temple is a Siddh Peetha which are the places of worship where desires get fulfilled. It is one of three such Peethas located in Haridwar, the other two being Chandi Devi Temple and Mansa Devi Temple.

According to the Hindu mythology, Sati (Lord Shiva's wife) set herself on fire to avenge the insulting demeanor of her father towards her husband. When Lord Shiva came to learn that Sati killed herself to keep his honor, he was filled with fury. An enraged Shiva undertook a tour of the whole universe carrying the dead body of Sati. It was during this tour that various body parts of Sati fell at different places. Hindus believe that it was at the temple site of Maya Devi where the naval and heart of Sati fell down. The religious beliefs state that the naval and heart of Sati were found in the very place where the Maya Devi temple stands today in Haridwar.


The history of the Maya Devi temple dates back to the 11th century. Devotees as well as tourists from all across the country and the world flock to Haridwar to visit the shrine and to seek blessings of goddess Maya Devi; the goddess represents shakti (divine power). Among the Hindu community this divine power is very highly regarded and revered. Maya Devi temple came into existence in Haridwar in the 11th century. This shows the ancient glory associated with this famous Maya Devi shrine of Haridwar. Devotees come to this sacred temple of Haridwar to offer their prayers to the presiding deity. The Goddess of Maya Devi temple resembles the form of Shakti and as such people worship this divine power.

Have you ever heard of Siddhapeeth Triangle in Haridwar? The temple of Maya Devi completes the trio along with Mansa Devi Temple and Chandi Devi Temple. So if you are in Haridwar on a pilgrimage tour, you can never afford to miss a visit to these temples, of which the Maya Devi temple is considered to be the vertex. A peek into the religious history of Haridwar tells you alot about the significance of the Maya Devi Temple. The temple, stand in dedication to goddess Maya Devi, who is also the Adhisthatri deity of Haridwar. According to what frequent pilgrims to Haridwar say, it is almost blasphemous if you visit Haridwar and miss a visit to the Maya Devi Temple.

Places to Visit in Maya Devi Temple

Maya Devi temple is one of the three ancient temples of Haridwar which are still intact, the other two being Narayana-shila and Bhairava Temple. The inner shrine consists of Murtis (icons) of goddesses Maya in the centre, Kali on the left, Kamakhya on the right. There are also two other goddesses who are also forms of Shakti, present in the inner shrine.

Things to do in Maya Devi Temple

Devotees who visit the temple usually like to take some Parasad (offerings) for the Goddess. There's no shortage of sellers, outside the temple. Bags containing a coconut and flowers sell for around 50 rupees, and it's possible to buy plates of flowers for around 20 rupees. Navaratri festival is celebrated here. People came here for full fill their requirement.

Places to Visit near Maya Devi Temple

Devotees can enjoy a holy dip in the Har ki Pauri Brahamakund just 1kms from the temple. Evening ritual (Arti) performed by the priests on the banks of river Ganga and enjoys some market near by the Har ki Pauri.

Sapt Rishi Ashram,Haridwar

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Sapt Rishi Ashram is so named, as it is the place where sapt rishis had once performed meditation. The Hindu mythology records the names of these seven sages as Kashyapa, Vashisht, Gautam, Jamadagi, Vishwamitra, Bhardwaja and Atri.


Therefore, the site of the temple is where those seven rishis had chosen to meditate. Devotees hold this ashram in high esteem due to its religious significance. Even today, the ashram is a regular haunt of rishis, saints and sages from different parts of the world. By visiting the Sapt Rishi Ashram, you can learn a lot of good lessons for your life.

If you are interested in yoga and meditation, you can make a visit to this ashram and attend classes offered on a regular basis. Not only believers of Hinduism, but tourists also from all across the globe arrive at the ashram to attain spiritual peace and happiness. So, don't forget to visit the place.

Visiting an ashram in Haridwar is the dream of many, including both devotees as well as tourists. Each ashram has its own mythological significance. Also refrerred to as SAPT SAROVAR, the Sapt Rishi Ashram is a frequently visited site in the holy town of Haridwar. The ancient ashram stands on the HARIDWAR-RISHIKESH ROAD. If you are visiting Har ki Pauri in Haridwar, you will only need to cover a distance of 5 KM to the north to reach the Sapt Rishi Ashram. The word 'Sapt', meaning seven, refers to a legend. According to the Hindu tradition, the ashram is the place where seven sages (known as Saptarshis) has once meditated. These seven sages (or rishis) include KASHYAPA, VASHISHT, ATRI, VISHWAMITRA, JAMADAGI, BHARADWAJA and GAUTAM.

Hindus believe that when the sages sat here to meditate, they were disturbed by the thunderous waters of the Ganges. To continue with their meditation in peace, they trapped the River Ganges. Later, the Ganga split herself into seven small streams to avoid any interruption to the meditating sages. Hence, the Sapt Rishi Ashram came to be known as Sapt Sarovar, meaning seven streams. Today, the ashram stands at the mediation site to commemorate the whole mythological event.


Sapt Rishi Ashram, located at a distance of approximately 5 km from Har ki Pauri, is one of the most famous ashrams of Haridwar. Hindu Mythology states that the ashram is located, where the seven great sages or Sapt-Rishis, Kashyap, Vashisht, Atri, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni, Bharadwaja and Gautam used to meditate.

It is also said that the River Ganges at this place split herself into seven streams, so that the seven sages mediating here would not be disturbed by her flow. Owing to this reason, this place is also known as the Sapt Sarovar or Sapt Rishi Kund. All the seven streams reunite further ahead and flow as Neel Dhara, which forms a beautiful channel while entering Haridwar.