Places Visit In Khajjiar

Khajji Nag Temple,Khajjiar

Things to do -  general

Khajjiar is very famous for Kajji Naga Temple, which is in close proximity to the famous Khajjiar Lake. The temple stands decked with a golden dome and spire due to which it is known as 'Golden Devi' temple.


Khajjiar is very famous for Kajji Naga Temple, which is in close proximity to the famous Khajjiar Lake. The temple stands decked with a golden dome and spire due to which it is known as 'Golden Devi' temple. It dates back to the 12th century AD shrine dedicated to Naga- the lord of serpents and you will always find numerous idols of snakes at this place. This temple has a perfect blend of Mughal and Hindu styles of architecture as reflected in the wooden carvings on the ceilings and wooden posts.

It has image carvings representing the Kauravas who the hideaway by the Pandavas. The dome-shaped temple is made up of slates locally made from limestone quarries and adjoins other shrines of Shiva and Hadimba too. The Khajji Nag Temple is built in pahari style and the images of the five Pandavas- Yudhishtra, Bhim, Arjun,Nakul and Sahdev are beautifully made of wood strand in the corners of the Mandapam of the shrine. The antique practice of goat sacrifice is still practiced at this temple.

The 12th-century Khajji Naga temple is one of the ancient and holiest temples in Himachal Pradesh. The temple is dedicated to Khajji Nag, the lord of serpents. Khajjiar gets its name from the temple. Located near Khajjiar Lake, the dome-shaped temple has Pandavas and Kauravas’ images hanging from its roof. Idols of Shiva and Hadimba are also present inside it. The temple’s chambers are carved out of wood and its architecture exhibits a fusion of Muslim and Hindu style. The age-old practice of goat sacrifice is still practised at the temple.

Khajji Nag temple set amidst the mesmerizing and serene setting of Dhauladhar ranges in Khajjiar, situated at am altitude of about 2000m, was built before 12th century A.D. This beautiful wooden temple is dedicated to Naga worship. The mandapa of the temple has wooden carved images of Pandavas and the Kauravas erected by Raja Balbhadra Barman in the 16th century. The temple was renovated by Batlu, the nurse of Raja Prithvi Singh in the 17th century.


Situated close to the lake is the Khajji Nag Temple that dates back to the 12th century AD, and is considered one of the holiest and ancient temples in Himachal Pradesh. This temple is dedicated to Khajji Nag, who is the Lord of the Serpents.

Inside the temple, there is a mandapa where visitors can view hanging images of the Pandavas along with the defeated Kauravas from the roof of this temple, appearing in a roundabout way. The chambers of this temple are carved out of wood.

The construction of this temple began in the 10th century AD and is reflected in the architecture of the temple that exhibits a mix of Hindu and Muslim style. Located in the district of Chamba, this temple is considered significant and is visited by pilgrims regularly. The interiors of this temple have idols of Lord Shiva along with Goddess Hadimba.

Khajjiar Lake and Ground,Khajjiar

Things to do -  general

Khajjiar Lake is situated in Khajjiar, in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is situated at a height of around 1,920 m above sea level between Dalhousie and Chamba Town.


Khajjiar Lake is situated in Khajjiar, in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is situated at a height of around 1,920 m above sea level between Dalhousie and Chamba Town. The lake is set in a huge grassy landscape, with evergreen cedar trees surrounding it from all sides. The lake takes its name from Khajji Nag, the deity in the temple nearby. The lake has considerably shrunk over the years and is now almost on the verge of vanishing.

In the shadow of the snow-covered Himalayas, Khajjiar Lake is the most spectacular of lakes. Surrounded by cedar forest, the lake is located at an elevation of 1920 m. The small water streams of the Himalaya act as a source for the Khajjiar Lake. One can also visit the Khajinag temple which features fine wood carvings and a gold dome.

The lake is a popular tourist spot of Khajjiar where people can enjoy numerous recreational activities or can enjoy the beauty of the landscape. The site is perfect to spend some moments of solitude far away from the hustle and bustle of the modern crowd. It offers peace and tranquillity to the visitors.

Khajjiar Lake holds a strong association with the legends. The lake is a paradise which makes one realize that there is no place like it in the whole world. On a clear and sunny day, tourist can enjoy the amazing view of Mount Kailash from the Khajjiar Lake. The main attraction of the lake is the floating island which is actually a cluster of grass and weed growing on the surface of the lake.

Khajjiar is surrounded by saucer shaped meadows; beyond the pasture land there is a dense pine forest surrounded by high mountains, and fringed by gigantic deodars. The amazing sight of the stunning landscapes coupled with the shimmering lake, makes a visit to Khajjiar lake a must visit spectacle.


This lake is one of the oldest and lake in the city. It is one of the largest natural lake in the the district. This lake was found during the time of Mahabharata. The people of this believes that this lake is related to the god which is known as Naag Devta i.e. God of Snakes.

The people of this also said that one day some people came here and they are decided to absorb all the water and made here a large ground for the cricket but when they start their work then there snake came from the water, after that the people believes that this is not a lake but it is a temple. And on the one corner of this lake a temple of Khaji Naag is made where a statue of the local Devi and Devta are placed.

Khajjiar Lake is known for its beautiful scenery. This lake is situated in Khajjiar town of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh at the height of 1,920 meters above the sea level. It's a beautiful temple with huge grassy landscapes and Kedar trees everywhere in the line of sight. The temple's name is based on the temple deity, Khajji Nag. If you are someone who loves peace and adventure at the same time, then this is the perfect place for you to be. You can also find a number of activities at the place such as hot air ballooning, paragliding, horse riding, etc. There are a few places around the lake where you can shop for souvenirs.

Kailash View,Khajjiar

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Mount Kailash , which forms part of Transhimalaya in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.Kailash lies near the source of some of the longest Asian rivers: the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Ghaghara .


Mount Kailash is a peak in the Kailash Range , which forms part of Transhimalaya in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.Kailash lies near the source of some of the longest Asian rivers: the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Ghaghara. It is considered a sacred place in four religions: Bön, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. Kailash is near Lake Manasarovar and Lake Rakshastal.

t is said that Milarepa, arrived in Tibet to challenge Naro Bön-chung, champion of the Bön religion of Tibet. The two magicians engaged in a terrifying sorcerers' battle, but neither was able to gain a decisive advantage. Finally, it was agreed that whoever could reach the summit of Kailash most rapidly would be the victor. While Naro Bön-chung sat on a magic drum and soared up the slope, Milarepa's followers were dumbfounded to see him sitting still and meditating. Yet when Naro Bön-chung was nearly at the top, Milarepa suddenly moved into action and overtook him by riding on sunlight, thus winning the contest. He did, however, fling a handful of snow on to the top of a nearby mountain, since known as Bönri, bequeathing it to the Bönpo and thereby ensuring continued Bönpo connections with the region.


Every year, thousands make a pilgrimage to Kailash, following a tradition going back thousands of years. Pilgrims of several religions believe that circumambulating Mount Kailash on foot is a holy ritual that will bring good fortune. The peregrination is made in a clockwise direction by Hindus and Buddhists while Jains and Bönpos circumambulate the mountain in a counterclockwise direction.

The path around Mount Kailash is 52 km (32 mi) long. Some pilgrims believe that the entire walk around Kailash should be made in a single day, which is not considered an easy task. A person in good shape walking fast would take perhaps 15 hours to complete the entire trek. Some of the devout do accomplish this feat, little daunted by the uneven terrain, altitude sickness and harsh conditions faced in the process. Indeed, other pilgrims venture a much more demanding regimen, performing body-length prostrations over the entire length of the circumambulation: The pilgrim bends down, kneels, prostrates full-length, makes a mark with his fingers, rises to his knees, prays, and then crawls forward on hands and knees to the mark made by his/her fingers before repeating the process. It requires at least four weeks of physical endurance to perform the circumambulation while following this regimen. The mountain is located in a particularly remote and inhospitable area of the Tibetan Himalayas. A few modern amenities, such as benches, resting places and refreshment kiosks, exist to aid the pilgrims in their devotions. According to all religions that revere the mountain, setting foot on its slopes is a dire sin. It is a popular belief that the stairways on Mount Kailash lead to heaven.

Panch Pandav Tree,Khajjiar

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On the right side is the photograph of one of the rest houses in Khajjiar. This one is special because the tree near the rest house is of a very different kind. It is called the "Panch Pandav" (Five Pandavs).


Though the main root is the same but the base of the tree is divided into six parts, which make it one of the kind. It is also one of the main attractions when you begin to explore the Khajjiar ground on your feet. Near this rest house is the way leading to a small village and Khajjiar School. The locals believe that these six shoots represent five Pandvas and their common wife Dropadi. But trees with many shoots are a common occurrence in the Khajjiar forest. At a distance of one kilometetre from Khajjiar towards Dalhousie a big deodar trees exists having more than 13 soots of comparable height. This trees has popularly come to be known as 'Mother Tree' of the area.

Trees having multiple shoots is not a wonder in Khajjiar. When you travel to Dalhousie from Khajjiar, you will come across a deodar tree with 13 shoots! This tree is known as the “Mother Tree” of the entire region. Similarly, The Panch Pandav Tree is a very famous tree located on the ground of Khajjiar. This tree is close to a rest house that leads to Khajjiar School and a small village. A total of six shoots branches out from the tree. However, the shoots and the primary root of the tree are similar. A very charming tourist spot, the Panch Pandav tree has an interesting story behind it. According to the local people of Khajjiar, the five shoots of this tree stand for the five Pandavas, and the last one represents their wife, Draupadi. Add to that the lovely surroundings; the tree makes for a beautiful picnic spot.

The Panch Pandav Tree is a very popular tree located on the ground of Khajjiar and famous for its shoots. This tree is located near a rest house while moving towards Khajjiar School. There is a total of 6 shoots coming out of the tree. However, the shoots and the main root of the tree are the same. Local people of Khajjiar say that the five shoots of this tree stand for the Five Pandavas and the last one stands for Draupadi.


The Panch Pandav Tree is situated in the ground of Khajjiar. The tree is famous for its shoots. Although the main root of the tree and the shoots are same, there are six shoots branching out from the tree.

According to the local inhabitants, the five shoots of this tree stand for the Five Pandavas and the last one symbolises Draupadi. This tree is close to a rest house that leads the way to Khajjiar School and a small village.

In the forest of Khajjiar, trees having many shoots are a common sight. There is one deodar tree that stands a kilometre away from Khajjiar on the way to Dalhousie. It has 13 shoots of standard height. The tree has acquired the name of “Mother Tree” of the entire region.

Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary,Khajjiar

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Kalatop Khajjiar Sanctuary is a 30.69 km² animal sanctuary at Kalatop and Khajjiar in the Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, India. The sanctuary area is well laid out for trekking trails both at Kalatop and Khajjiar


Kalatop Khajjiar Sanctuary is a 30.69 km² animal sanctuary at Kalatop and Khajjiar in the Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, India. The sanctuary area is well laid out for trekking trails both at Kalatop and Khajjiar. There is a dense deodar and fir forest covering 19.63 km² of the sanctuary, which is about 6 km from Dalhousie. Pheasants, serow and black bear are some of the common animals found here.The sanctuary lies in the path of the Ravi River, and is surrounded by coniferous and oak forests.

Kalatop is one of the most pristine destination in Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, and is known for the lush green surroundings and snow capped Himalayan peaks.. This wonderful destination tops the list of almost every traveler who visits Dalhousie with an aim to explore the natural splendours that are available in abundance here. Kalatop is located approximately 12 kms from Dalhousie and it can be easily reached through trekking. The visitors often come here with family or friends, and spend hours gazing at the beautiful surroundings of Kalatop that embrace the amazing green landscapes and majestic mountains in its vicinity.

Kalatop hill is famous for many reasons and one such reason is the Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary, which is one of the most beautiful places in Dalhousie that draws tourists and make them fall in love with the place. This high altitude forest area is located at an average elevation of 2,500 meters above sea level and offers stunning views of thick pine, deodar, and oak forests and a plethora of various fauna such as the Himalayan Black Bear, Pheasants, and Himalayan Black Marten. Trekking is the best way to explore the beauty of this forest, which is why the tourists come here in the months of October to March to catch a glimpse of snow covered valleys and dense forests.

There is a forest guest house at Kalatop, where the guests can stay for a better experience as they can closely watch the mother nature and spend their holiday in absolute bliss. Tourists normally prefer to walk up to Kalatop from Lakkarmandi, which is approximately 4 kms from Kalatop, to take in the amazing views of the beautiful landscapes of Kalatop. This region is less explored compared to other area of Dalhousie, and so forest trailing, wildlife safari, and picnics are so much fun here.


Situated amidst lush green trees, Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary is spread over a sprawling area of 19.63 sq km. This sanctuary is located between Dalhousie and Khajjiar. It is an exotic dwelling of multiple hues of flora, and a wide variety of fauna. The beautiful landscape welcomes you with refreshing beauty as you traverse through zigzag roads. This charming sanctuary is home to species like deer, Himalayan serow, jackal, leopard, black bear, wild cats, langur, barking goral, Himalayan black marten, and many others. Get ready to see numerous endangered species of animals and birds as you enter the sanctuary. It is thickly covered with Deodar trees scattered with little streams flowing into the Ravi river. The area is a preferred spot for trekking and leisurely nature walks.If you want to experience the beauty of Mother Nature, this sanctuary is a must-visit in Khajjiar.

Golden Devi Temple,Khajjiar

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This temple is also known as the Golden Devi temple situated on Khajjiar Lake. This temple was constructed in the 12th century.


Khajjiar has attained its name from an old temple of Khajinag. This temple is also known as the Golden Devi temple situated on Khajjiar Lake. This temple was constructed in the 12th century. The temple got the name as Golden Devi because it has a golden dome. It has a wooden shrine with intricate sculpture. The major attraction of this temple is its golden spire. A golf course is near this temple and people interested in playing golf find it a good place suiting their interest.

The scenic beauty of this place attracts a lot of people, devotees and tourists from different parts of Chamba as well as rest of India. Images of pandavas who won the battle against Kaurvas as well as images of Kaurvas, who lost the battle of Mahabharata, can be noticed on the ceiling of the circumambulatory pavement of the temple.

Located on the edge of the Khajjiar Lake, the Golden Devi temple is an important attraction in Khajjiar. An architectural wonder in itself, this stunning temple is visited by people from all religions, a living example of the openness and equality upheld by the founders of the temple. One of the most remarkable temple complexes of India, Golden Devi temple,


The Golden Devi Temple in Khajjiar is named due to the golden dome of the temple. Located on the edge of the Khajjiar Lake, the temple’s golden spire is a major attraction. Close to this temple, there is a golf course that also draws a lot of people.

Located on the edge of the Khajjiar Lake, the Golden Devi temple is an important attraction in Khajjiar. An architectural wonder in itself, this stunning temple is visited by people from all religions, a living example of the openness and equality upheld by the founders of the temple. One of the most remarkable temple complexes of India, Golden Devi temple, is a wonderful blend of legends, myths, and some brilliant displays of art. Due to its Golden Dome, this holy place is named Golden Devi Temple. The temple is basically a simple place which is greatly admired by the devotees. It is very close to the Khajjiar lake and is a popular tourist spot. It also has a golf course near it, where one can soak in the beauty of some scenic views. Enjoy the divine atmosphere and the serenity of the holy temple.

Khajjiar Villages,Khajjiar

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Besides the view of the Lake in the middle of the ground, there is a lot more to explore. Outside the Khajjiar ground is thick deodar forest and amidst the forest, there are a few small villages i.e. rota village, ladi village etc.


Khajjiar is not only famous for its thick and lush green carpet wrapped around the tall pine trees but also known for its pleasant & tiny villages like Rota, Ladi etc. These villages are located at slopes nearby.

Within the boundaries of the khajjiar area, these villages are quite near to the ground of Khajjiar not far from each other around the tall deodar forests of Khajjiar.The location of the Khajjiar villages is extremely prominent. You can have the breathtaking view of the hills from here. No doubt, the whole Khajjiar area is a magical paradise. These small villages are quite popular for their Apple orchards in this area.

Besides the view of the Lake in the middle of the ground, there is a lot more to explore. Outside the Khajjiar ground is thick deodar forest and amidst the forest, there are various small villages i.e. khajjiar village, rota village, ladi village etc. (mainly situated near the slopes) Villages are situated far from each other, but not too far from Khajjiar ground. There are many apple orchards in Khajjiar area. Look at the photograph on the right side - This is a small village named ladi and you can see many apple trees in the image and when the season comes, they are full of apples. On the right side is the photograph of Khajjiar village. The location of the village is striking. You can have the breathtaking view of the hills from here. No doubt, the whole Khajjiar area is a magical paradise.


Within the dense deodar forest of Khajjiar are situated many small villages like Rota, Ladi, etc which are principally located close to the slopes. The villages are not far from the ground of Khajjiar. These villages are also known for their apple orchards.

Khajjiar derives its name from the ancient idol, Khajji Naag, which is still celebrated and worshipped by the locals of this hill station. Khajji Naag is a stone idol, which has a double dagger in one hand and a mace in the other. The town has a 12th-century temple, the Golden Devi Temple, dedicated to this deity as well. The history of Khajjiar dates back to the 6th century when the Rajput leaders ruled over the area. With the downfall of the Rajputs in the medieval times, the rule passed on to the Mughals, till the Sikhs took over. During the times of the East India Company, the entire area came under the British territory, to remain so for more than a century. British influence is still observed in the lifestyle of people and architecture of the town. On 15th April 1948 after the independence of India, Khajjiar was made a part of Himachal Pradesh.

In 1992, when the Vice Counsellor and Head of Chancery of Switzerland, Willy Blazer visited India, he was absolutely awe-struck by the beauty of Khajjiar and christened it as the Mini Switzerland of India on 7th July the same year. The rule of such diverse kings and emperors is the reason for the kaleidoscopic population of this town.

Tibetan Handicrafts Center,Khajjiar

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A good place to buy souvenirs and gifts for friends and family. You can find some decent traditional Tibetan items.


This centre is located at a distance of 2 kilometer from Dalhousie. Tibetan Handicrafts Centre is the most suited place to purchase traditional artifacts, which show the efficiency of Tibetan craftsmen. This store owned by Tibetans has various types of ornaments, mementos and Chinese goods for display. This place is easily reachable by cab, bus or on foot. One can visit the entire emporium in an hour or two.

Visiting this emporium gives us a chance to observe Tibetan art and craft. One of the famous things of this centre is the assembly of Tibetan Carpets, lovely mats and ordinary handlooms. One can guarantee that the Tibetan Handicrafts center is an awesome place for shopping. Excellent handicrafts are not accessible everywhere, this place is a hub for such handicrafts which are rarely found so people get a good chance to shop for such things from here. Visitors from other parts of India visit this place and shop for their favorite items.


The Tibetan Handicrafts Center in Khajjiar is a must-visit if you want to shop for exquisite carpets as well as wall-hangings. Shopping here is a pure delight with a plethora of options to choose from. You can head here to pick your favorite Tibetan souvenirs. The busy and vibrant shop is a major attraction of Khajjiar, and the handicrafts center is ideal to be traversed on foot, for a truly local experience.

It has some eating joints and souvenir shops selling Tibetan antiques and shawls. All your shopping needs are taken care of at this place. Also, for a quick bite, there are the famous hot momos and spicy noodles that come with butter soup, a specialty of the Tibetan Market. Walk through this colorful market, an ideal way to spend a couple of hours in Khajjiar.

Lord Shiva Statue,Khajjiar

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Here in this article we are talking about one of the tallest statue of Lord Shiva's in Himachal Pradesh and it is situated in the Khajjiar which is about 85 foot in height. This statue is about 25 km from the Chamba, you can reach this place by bus or taxi and the best season to visit this place is in summer.


Little if any information is written about the small, quaint Jagdamba Temple (dedicated to the Indian Goddess of the same name) near Khajjiar, Himachal Pradesh. Deodar forest covers much of the hilly terrain surrounding Jagdamba Mata Temple but for a small plot of land where the temple’s newest attraction has been getting some big attention from tourists. For more than 2 years, two well known idol-making artists from Rajasthan have been working on an 81 foot high idol of Lord Shiva. Standing tall enough to be seen from a distance by road, and finished in a copper hue, the striking statue is part of an ambitious construction project which includes a beautiful new sanctum sanctorum addition to the existing temple site.

The clean, quiet environment of Jagdamba Temple, backdropped by the gorgeous rolling Dhauladhar Mountain Range, starkly contrasts that of Chamba’s temples situated within it’s crowded city center. Numerous homestays and/or guest houses are situated near the temple within walking distance.The nearby temple also holds a function in the months of June-July, while the statue looks all the more majestic, covered with snow during the winter months.


This is a magnanimous 85 ft statue of Lord Shiva, one of the tallest in Himachal Pradesh. It is polished in bronze and the glistening statue is a sight to behold. The nearby temple also holds a function in the months of June-July, while the statue looks all the more majestic, covered with snow during the winter months.

Himachal Pradesh and it is situated in the Khajjiar which is about 85 foot in height. This statue is about 25 km from the Chamba, you can reach this place by bus or taxi and the best season to visit this place is in summer.